Birthday '66


Well, we made it! Six years I mean. This issue #37 marks the beginning of our 7th year. Would you have believed it possible if you'd heard about TVia 7 years ago? I didn't. I just started it because I wanted to say things to people and try to get them out into the light of day and the light of under- standing. I never imagined then that I'd still be doing it six years later.

I've learned many things in the past six years as I hope you all have. I've found out many things about femme living and femme feeling that I didnt know in the first days. One of the things I've learn- ed is what it is like to be a mother (figuratively that is) and have your children grow up and leave. Because that is what happens to me right along. I feel like a mother to you who read these lines and to many others who no longer read them. Of you who do, some of you are young in the field---not in age but in understanding---and some of you are pretty well developed. Many others have gone before you. They were helped to find their way and they grew in acceptance and understanding till they were able to stand on their own feet and no longer felt the need of the support and encouragement of TRANSVESTIA. Thus they are no longer on the subscription lists. When children grow up, go to college and leave home to make their own way, mothers are left behind with the younger ones to continue the task and can only look at those who now make their own way with a certain pride and an awareness that they contributed to that independence and self assurance.

I think I am entitled to feel that my efforts have been instrumental in helping quite a number of persons to know, to understand, and to accept their feminine selves during these six years. I am sad